Start a club

Looking to start an ASAP Club?

Whether you’re interested in Chess, Debate, Drama, or Scrabble, ASAP’s staff is here to give you the tools you need to provide kids at your site with fun, enriching activities and experiences to help them thrive in school and beyond. 

The best part? Whether you’re affiliated with a school, library, rec center, or community location, ASAP’s program model can be adapted to a wide range of out-of-school time settings to help caring adults foster the personal growth and sense of belonging for participating youth.

The ASAP experience includes: 

  • Access to trainings & professional development sessions to run effective programs 
  • Program curriculum, activity plans, and equipment (e.g., chess sets, Scrabble boards, debate evidence packets) 
  • Ongoing support via phone, email, and periodic site visits 
  • City-wide Events, Competitions, and Performances  

The basics of starting a club: 

  • No prior experience or expertise in the activity is needed to get started — just a commitment to empowering young people through skill-building enrichment activities and an ability to obtain clearances to work with youth!

  • Attend one of ASAP’s trainings for running an effective, engaging after school or summer club

  • Receive your program equipment, curriculum, and suggested activity plans 

  • Set a club meeting schedule that works for you AND your students

ASAP recommends that all clubs meet at the very least for one hour per week, for a minimum of 12 weeks

Pro tip: A majority of ASAP’s clubs meet 1-2x per week for 20 weeks 


Ready to start an ASAP club at your site? 

Fill out the form below and a member of ASAP’s staff will be in touch soon! 

Disclaimer: ASAP is committed to removing barriers for schools, community centers, and caring community advocates to create safe, engaging outofschool time spaces for youth in Philadelphia. ASAP fundraises yearround to sustain and grow its programming each year. However, demand for ASAP’s programming often exceeds dedicated funding we have each year. As a result, ASAP welcomes conversations with partners who may be in the position to contribute to ASAP’s work through a cost sharing agreement. Interested in considering a costsharing agreement, please contact for more information.

Start A Club

Interested in starting an ASAP club at your site? ASAP offers trainings, supplies, and opportunities for students throughout Philadelphia to participate in engaging after school programs in chess, debate, drama, and Scrabble. For more information on how to start an ASAP club at your site, please fill out the form below!